Monday, December 29, 2008

Conflict-Free Diamonds - What They Are and How to Find Them

Shopping for diamond jewelry used to be ve ry easy. You picked a diamond ba sed on your price range, as we ll as the cut and the cla rity of the diamond.
Co nflict diamonds, also called blood diamonds, are di amonds that are traded illegally to pro vide funds for conflict and military a ction in areas such as western and ce ntral Africa. These blood diamonds have be en a source of corruption, violence and cri mes against humanity. Diamonds that have be en mined through some form of chi ld labor, violence or human rights a buses have also been termed conflict di amonds.
In order to buy non-conflict di amonds, you're going to have to do so me legwork. First, research your potential re tailer and see if they make it a po int to emphasize that their diamonds are co nflict free. Jewelers who sell worry-free di amonds often make it a part of the ir advertising, since this is becoming an i mportant issue for consumers.
Reputable retailers wi ll also be comfortable giving you a wri tten guarantee that the diamonds were pu rchased legally. Under the Kimberley Process, thi s is part of your rights as a co nsumer. Make sure you demand this if the y provide no other guarantee of the a uthenticity of the diamonds.

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